Acute Plus Promotions, LLC AcutePlusEquine Membership Program

Brazos Valley Equine Hospitals, Navasota PLLC This is not insurance.


The Plan will provide the following benefits:

  1. Membership Plans

    The Plan will provide for each of Your Horses listed on the Horse Ownership Schedule one of the following:

    1. Core Medical Care, Surgical and Final Expense for horses between one (1) and eighteen

      (18) years of age, (“Core Plan”). The Core Plan will credit the Owner for Medical Care and Surgery(ies) as set-forth on Exhibit A up to an aggregate annual amount of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) for each of Your Horses listed for the Core Plan during the applicable Coverage Period. In addition, the Core Plan will credit an Owner One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) for each of Your Horses listed for the Core Plan that dies during said Coverage Period; provided, however, that (i) any Plan death benefit shall be excess of any other equine mortality insurance in full force and effect for such horse at the time of its death; (ii) there shall be a no death benefit for any horse whose death arises out of or is in any way whatsoever related to a Chronic Condition and (iii) no Plan death payment will be made that would result in an Owner receiving a double benefit of any type whatsoever for the death of Your Horse.

    2. Premier Medical Care, Surgical and Final Expense for horses between one (1) and eighteen (18) years of age. (“Premier Plan”). The Premier Plan will credit the Owner for Medical Care and Surgery(ies) as set-forth on Exhibit A up to an aggregate annual amount of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) for each of Your Horses listed for the Premier Plan during the applicable Coverage Period. In addition, the Premier Plan will credit an Owner the lesser of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000) or the fair market value of each of Your Horses listed for the Premier Plan that dies during said Coverage Period; provided, however, that (i) any Plan death benefit shall be reduced by and payable after any amount that the Owner receives from equine mortality insurance or any other benefit plan in full force and effect for such horse at the time of its death; (ii) there shall be no death benefit for any horse whose death arises out of or is in any way whatsoever related to a Chronic Condition and (iii) no Plan death payment will be made that would result in an Owner receiving a double benefit of any type whatsoever for the death of Your Horse.

    3. Senior Medical Care, Surgical and Final Expense for horses between nineteen (19) and twenty-five (25) years of age (“Senior Plan”). The Senior Plan will credit the Owner for Medical Care and Surgery(ies) as set-forth on Exhibit A up to an aggregate annual amount of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) for each of Your Horses listed for the Senior Plan during the applicable Coverage Period. In addition, the Senior Plan will credit an Owner the lesser of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) for each of Your Horses listed for the Senior Plan that dies during said Coverage Period; provided, however, that (i) any Plan death benefit shall be excess of any other equine mortality insurance in full force and effect for such horse at the time of its death; (ii) there shall be no benefit for any horse whose medical care, surgical care or death arises out of or is in any way whatsoever related to (1) a Chronic Condition, (2) Equine Cushings or (3) Equine Metabolic Syndrome and

      (iii) no Plan death payment will be made that would result in an Owner receiving a double benefit of any type whatsoever for the death of Your Horse.

  2. Membership Plan Benefits

    The Core, Premier and Senior Plans will provide an Owner with the benefits set forth on Exhibit

    B. Utilization through the Plan or provided proof of the current status of the Minimum Routine Benefits, as defined below, is a prerequisite for all Medical Care, Surgical and Final Expense credits under the Plan unless a medical waiver issued in writing by a licensed veterinarian is provided that prohibits adherence to the Minimum Routine Benefits for medical reasons.

    Notwithstanding the foregoing and subject to all other terms and conditions herein, so long as Your Horse is current on Minimum Routine Benefits as provided by a licensed, In-Network Veterinarian, or within the past thirteen (13) months Your Horse has received the Minimum Routine Benefits from any licensed veterinarian that is not an In-Network Veterinarian and You can provide written proof thereof, Your Horse shall be eligible for Medical Care, Surgical and Final Expense credits under the Plan. A Vet Report must be provided before Medical Care, Surgical and Final Expense credits can be given.

    How to access Your Benefits:


    In return for receiving the applicable annual Core, Premier or Senior fee payment for each of Your Horses listed on the Horse Ownership Schedule, the Plan will credit You as explained in the below Plan terms, conditions, exclusions and limitations. Any failure to pay the Plan fee, however invoiced (either monthly or annually) and at the discretion of the Plan Administrator, may be considered a material breach and Your Horse may become ineligible for the Plan Benefits as a result of such breach.


    Defined terms are in bold print throughout the Plan for ease of reading.

    1. Accident means a sudden, unpreventable event that causes Injury to Your Horse(s).

    2. Acute Care means providing short-term, usually immediate, Medical Care arising out of or stemming from an Accident, Illness or Injury to Your Horse.

    3. Authorized Permitted Party means a third party authorized by the Owner to utilize the Plan for a participating horse. Authorization may be granted or removed via the Plan website or through some other form of written correspondence (i.e., letter, email).

    4. Behavioral Problems means a horse exhibiting abnormal responses to stimuli, not caused by an underlying medical condition, including, but not limited to, aggression, anxiety and destructive and/or compulsive behavior.

    5. Chronic Conditions means any Injury or Illness that includes Clinical Symptoms persisting for greater than ninety (90) days anytime in the preceding twelve (12) months.

    6. Clinical Examination means a thorough examination performed by a licensed and registered veterinarian encompassing all body systems of the horse. Examination can also be referred to as “full physical, physical consultation, full examination or veterinary examination.”

    7. Clinical Symptoms means any manifested abnormality in or deviation from the regular healthy state or function of a horse. Symptoms include any abnormality that is readily detectable by a thorough and complete Clinical Examination.

    8. Condition(s) means any manifestations of Clinical Symptoms consistent with a diagnosis or diagnoses, regardless of the number of incidents or areas of the body affected.

    9. Diagnostic Test(s) means any tests used to determine the overall health of Your Horse. Diagnostic Tests can be used as a way to detect certain abnormalities. They can also validate the current health of Your Horse.

    10. Hospitalization means charges for boarding Your Horse at a veterinary clinic as required by a licensed veterinarian for an acute medical condition to deliver nursing care, to administer Medication to or monitor Your Horse.

    11. Illness means sickness, disease and any changes to Your Horse’s normal healthy state; any condition other than Your Horse’s normal healthy state.

    12. Incident Report means the formal submission of a request to redeem benefit credits and Incident Form is the form provided on the website or by AcutePlus staff to facilitate the benefit credit redemption.

    13. Injury(ies) means physical harm or damage to Your Horse arising from normal activity, competition, or an Accident.

    14. In-Network Veterinarian means those veterinarians listed on Exhibit C who are participating in the AcutePlus program by way of offering the Plans and have an administration agreement with the Plan Administrator that is in full force and effect.

    15. Medication means any veterinarian recommended medications prescribed by a veterinarian and approved by the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) for veterinary use.

    16. Medical Care means any Medical Treatment for any Accident, Injury, Illness as set forth on Exhibit A. Medical Care also includes euthanasia of a horse by any veterinarian if the horse suffers an Injury or is afflicted with an expressly painful or debilitating disease that first manifests itself during the Plan Period and a veterinarian or his/her designee certifies in writing that the suffering of the horse is incurable and so excessive that immediate destruction is imperative for humane reasons. The certification must satisfy all the euthanasia guidelines of the American Association of Equine Practitioners.

    17. Medical Treatment means any treatment provided by a veterinarian to treat Your Horse which is:

      1. Set forth on the Member Benefits Schedule;

      2. Consistent with symptoms or diagnoses;

      3. Appropriate and meets generally accepted veterinary practice standards; 4. Not for the convenience of an Owner, a veterinarian or other provider; and

      4. Consistent with the most appropriate supply or level of services which can safely be provided to the horse.

    18. Minimum Routine Benefits means an annual physical exam, EEE/WEE/WN vaccine, tetanus vaccine, flu/rhino vaccine and a Coggins test that must be given at least annually to Your Horse in order to receive the full benefits of the Plan unless a medical waiver issued in writing by a licensed veterinarian is provided that prohibits adherence to these protocols for medical reasons. Senior Plan horses are also required to receive annual endocrine testing including CBC, chemistry, insulin and fasting ACTH to be eligible for Medical Care, Surgical and Final Expense benefits.

    19. Out of Network Veterinarian means a licensed veterinarian not listed on Exhibit C.

    20. Owner, You or Your means the owner of Your Horse(s) listed on the Horse Ownership Schedule including Owner’s spouse or domestic partner, authorized lessee as so identified under a written lease agreement, and Authorized Permitted Parties.

    21. Performance Exam includes everything in the Physical Exam and additionally includes veterinary assessment and recommendations related to the discipline Your Horse competes in. This may include soundness evaluation, flexion testing and recommendation for performance related injections, nutrition, training and other health related options that will benefit an equine athlete.

    22. Physical Exam is a core annual veterinary exam by a licensed veterinarian and includes evaluation of Your Horse’s heart, lungs and eyes, and general vital signs.

    23. Plan means the Core, Premier or Senior Membership Plans in which a Member enrolls on an annual basis and includes all of its terms, conditions, exclusions and limitations.

    24. Plan Administrator means AcutePlus Promotions, LLC, the administrator of the Plan.

    25. Plan Period means for each of Your Horses for which the applicable fee is timely paid, the time period set-forth on the Horse Ownership Schedule.

    26. Plan Sponsor means Brazos Valley Equine Hospitals, Navasota PLLC.

    27. Reasonable and Customary Fees means costs and expenses that are within the range of usual charges for the same or a similar service or Supplies billed by most veterinarians in the same geographic location as the treating veterinarian, or justified by all the attending circumstances, including but not limited to: the time required to perform the service or procedure, the severity of the Condition(s) treated, and the complexity of treatment of a particular case.

    28. Supplies means any non-excluded item that is medically required as determined by a veterinarian that is safe and effective for its intended use and that omission would adversely affect Your Horse.

    29. Surgery(ies) or Surgical means procedures that treat diseases or Injuries by operative manual and instrumental treatment.

    30. Traumatic Injury defined as an acute concussive Injury or Accident that effectively interferes with the normal biomechanics of the horse.

    31. Vaccination(s) means the administration of an industry-recognized commercial equine vaccine.

    32. Vet Report means the required administrative report provided by the Plan Administrator to be completed by a licensed veterinarian to document the information associated with a Medical Care, Surgical or Final Expense credit under the Plan.

    33. Your Horse(s) means the horse(s) listed on the Horse Ownership Schedule.


    1. Medical Care and Surgical

      In the event Your Horse requires Medical Care and/or Surgery(ies) during the Plan Period, the Plan will credit You for all Reasonable and Customary Fees including Medication rendered as part of Acute Care by a licensed veterinarian and Hospitalization up to the applicable limit of credits set-forth on the Member Credit Schedule. However, any credit for Medical Care and/or Hospitalization shall be a maximum of 1) eighty percent (80%) if provided by an In-Network Veterinarian; 2) seventy percent (70%) if provided by an Out-of-Network Veterinarian and 3) forty percent (40%) for Diagnostic Test(s) including Bone scan, MRI and CT scan.

      For Owners or Authorized Parties with three (3) or more concurrent member horses actively enrolled in the Premier plan, up to twenty-five (25%) of Medical Care and Surgical benefits may be stacked. Stacked Medical Care and Surgical benefits may only

      be used for follow-up treatment associated with an approved incident that exceeds the individual plan limits for one of the active Premier plan member horses.

    2. Final Expense

    For members enrolling a new horse into one of the Plans, Your Horse must have received the Minimum Routine Benefits either from an In-Network Veterinarian or Out Of Network Veterinarian within thirty (30) days prior to the first day of the Plan Period or within the first thirty (30) days of the Plan Period. For any horse that received its Minimum Routine Benefits from an Out Of Network Veterinarian before the Plan Period started supporting documentation of the Minimal Routine Benefits must be provided. You shall be eligible to receive the equine Final Expense benefit pursuant to the Member Credit Schedule in the event of the death of Your Horse resulting from any Accident, Illness or Injury occurring after the first thirty (30) days of the Plan Period. No new horse enrolled in any Plan shall be eligible for a Final Expense benefit during its initial thirty (30) days of a Plan Period (this shall be known as the “Waiting Period”). Uninterrupted, consecutive renewal Plan Periods are not subject to the Waiting Period.

    It is a condition precedent to any equine Final Expense benefit, however, that in the event of the death of Your Horse other than by euthanasia as set forth above that the Plan shall be given the opportunity at its own expense to arrange for and conduct a postmortem and necropsy examination of the deceased horse by a veterinarian chosen by the Plan.


    Credit requests in any way arising from:

    1. Any death, Injury or Illness of Your Horse intentionally caused by You or any agent of You.

    2. Any treatments and/or elective procedures, Vaccinations, cosmetic procedures, preventive procedures, performance enhancing treatments or procedures, joint injections, or procedures normally associated with the maintenance of a healthy animal.

    3. Conditions or Behavioral Problems arising from a specific activity if the same or a similar activity occurred prior to the Coverage Period and displayed the propensity for the activity to reoccur and cause death, Injury or Illness to Your Horse.

    4. Any diseases (such as internal parasites) preventable by Vaccination or deworming.

    5. Any complications of Conditions excluded or limited by this Plan.

    6. Abnormalities where Clinical Symptoms were apparent prior to the applicable Coverage Period. This includes Conditions that are or would be detectable by a routine physical examination by a licensed veterinarian.

    7. Arising from the lack of use and/or implementation of preventive health care products

      and/or methods where such products and/or methods would be in accordance with generally accepted veterinary standards. Preventive healthcare includes: Vaccinations, deworming, dental care, regular farrier services, grooming and prudent regular care.

    8. Arising from special diets, horse foods, vitamins, supplements, grooming, farrier, shampoo and bathing (including medicated baths) not at the direction of any veterinarian.

    9. Arising out of nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, or radioactive contamination.

    10. Conditions or death (including euthanasia) arising from, or aggravated or worsened by, any specific activity in which either an In-Network Veterinarian or Out Of Network Veterinarian has advised You in writing that Your Horse should cease or suspend such activity for a specific period of time in order to give Your Horse time to heal and/or recover from such Condition(s)

    11. Any experimental or investigational treatments or Medications.

    12. Breeding, castration, or postoperative complications associated with any aspect of breeding or foaling, or any Condition relating to breeding.

    13. Diagnostic Tests for Conditions excluded by this Plan or unrelated to Medical Care. However, Diagnostic Tests for Conditions not excluded by this Plan or that are related to Medical Care shall be credited as set-forth on Exhibit A.

    14. Conditions caused by war or war activities whether war be declared or not, civil war, martial law, insurrection, revolution, invasion, bombardment, or any use of military force, usurped power or confiscation, nationalization, or damage of property by any government, military, or other authority.

    15. Feeding or housing.

    16. Behavioral Problems, training, therapy or Medications for Behavioral Problems.

    17. Any Illness or Injury arising from Your decision to not follow any veterinarian’s advice.

    18. Any Core, Premier or Senior Membership Plan benefit that arises out of Your Horse being entered or raced in any claiming, selling, or combination race at any time during the applicable Plan Period.

    19. Any birth defects, developmental conditions, growth conditions, nutritional conditions, and congenital conditions, including but not limited to, undescended testicles, umbilical hernia, epilepsy, glaucoma, cataracts, and blindness, irrespective of whether said defects and conditions are evident or have manifested themselves prior to the Plan Period.

    20. Any intentional destruction of Your Horse other than as provided for in the Core, Premier or Senior Membership Plan.

    21. Chronic Conditions, except for Diagnostic Tests as set-forth on Exhibit A.


    1. The applicable Plan fee payment for each of Your Horses listed on the Horse Ownership Schedule is due and payable monthly by credit or debit card through the Plan website. The Plan Period shall commence upon the payment of the first month’s fee and shall be for a term of one (1) year, subject to the Member’s payment of the Plan fee and all other terms and conditions described herein. However, the Plan shall only credit for Medical Care and Surgeries arising out of any Accident, Injury or Illness that first occurs thirty (30) days after the Plan Period commences. Uninterrupted, consecutive renewal Plan Periods are not subject to an additional waiting period. In addition, any failure to pay in full the applicable monthly Plan fee for any of Your Horses listed on the Horse Ownership Schedule will result in no further Plan benefits of any type whatsoever for said horse unless the Plan Sponsor, in its sole discretion and upon terms and conditions acceptable to the Plan Sponsor, agrees to reinstate the applicable Plan for the horse.

    2. You must be the Owner of Your Horse. If an Owner dies, becomes unable to care for his/her horse(s) or ownership or medical responsibility of Your Horse passes to another, the Plan will continue without interruption, if, and only if, (i) the Plan Administrator and Plan Sponsor are notified in writing of the transfer of ownership (or the owner’s incapacitation) and are able to verify such prior to the administration of any additional benefits, and (ii) payment for the Plan is current. Should payment for the Plan not be current at the time ownership or medical responsibility for Your Horse changes hands, Your successor may bring payment current within thirty (30) days from the date of the transfer of ownership or medical responsibility at which point your successor shall be deemed the Owner of Your Horse and eligible for all benefits under the Plan. Should your successor fail to bring the account current within the first thirty (30) days of the successor’s ownership of Your Horse, Your Horse will not be eligible for any benefits under the Plan. Any transfer of ownership or change in ownership representation or change in medical responsibility that is recognized by the Plan Administrator and Plan Sponsor is subject to all other terms and conditions of this Plan.

    3. A horse is covered under this Plan only (i) if it is listed on the Horse Ownership Schedule, (ii) during the applicable Plan Period for said horse, and (iii) the applicable monthly Plan fee has been paid for said horse.

    4. During the Plan Period you must implement all reasonable means possible in the care and protection of Your Horse(s), and undertake all necessary means to protect Your Horse(s) from aggravation and/or recurrence of any Injury, Illness or disease after onset of any Injury, Illness or disease.

    5. A condition precedent to any credit under the Plan is that Your Horse is in sound health and free from any Illness, disease, lameness, Injury, or disability of any type whatsoever at the start of the Plan Period.

    6. Notice of a credit request for Medical Care and Surgical under this Plan must be given by You or Your agent to the Plan Administrator as soon as practicable, but in no event later than thirty (30) days after the Medical Treatment is rendered.

    7. As a condition precedent to any Final Expense benefit, you or your agent must have

      called, regardless of day or time, the Plan Administrator at 1-855-502-7587. In the event of unexplained death of Your Horse you must notify the Plan Administrator within three (3) hours. In the event that euthanasia is required you must call the Plan Administrator prior to euthanasia, approval from the Plan Administrator is required. Failure to provide this notice may result in the denial of a Final Expense benefit.

    8. Any credit under the terms and conditions of the Plan will be made either at the time of service, but not later than ninety (90) days after submission of the request unless applicable state law provides for a shorter period.

    9. In order to process a request for a credit, You must allow the Plan Sponsor or Plan Administrator to contact any of Your previous veterinarians and provide the Plan Sponsor or Plan Administrator with the necessary written authorization to obtain all information and/or documentation the Plan Sponsor or Plan Administrator may reasonably require. In the event information/documentation relating to the history of the horse is missing or incomplete, the request for a credit will not be processed.

    10. In the event of any disagreement between You and the Plan Sponsor with regards to a credit request, the matter will be referred to an independent third-party veterinarian selected by the Plan Sponsor. This independent third-party veterinarian’s decision shall be final and binding on all parties.

    11. Every action or proceeding of any type whatsoever against the Plan Sponsor and/or Plan Administrator for a benefit by virtue of these Terms is absolutely barred unless commenced within ninety (90) days after the end of the last Plan Period set forth on the Horse Ownership Schedule unless applicable state law requires a longer period.

    12. The Plan is excess and non-contributory over any other plan or insurance of any type whatsoever available to Your Horse for any Medical Care that is covered by both the Plan and any other plan or insurance.


  1. Misrepresentation and Fraud. This Plan is null and void if You intentionally or negligently have concealed or misrepresented any material fact or circumstance of any type whatsoever concerning this Plan or Your Horse(s). The Plan does not provide any credits or benefits for any Owner who has concealed or misrepresented any such material facts or circumstances at any time whatsoever. The Plan Administrator and/or Plan Sponsor have the right to reject any membership or benefits should such person or entity have a history of misrepresentation, fraud, or animal neglect or abuse.

  2. State Law/Dispute Resolution. This Plan shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida. Any dispute arising out of or related to these Terms shall be resolved solely via arbitration conducted pursuant to the Commercial Rules of the American Arbitration Association. Exclusive venue for any hearing or proceeding shall be in Palm Beach County, Florida. Each Member, Veterinarian, the Plan Administrator, and Plan Sponsor consents to Palm Beach County as its sole venue.

  3. Entire Contract. This Plan contains the full and complete agreement between You and the Plan Sponsor.


  5. Other Websites. The Plan Administrator’s website may contain links to third-party websites or services that are not owned or controlled by the Plan Administrator. The Plan Administrator has no control over, and assumes no responsibility for, the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party websites or services. Thus, You agree that the Plan Administrator shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any such content, goods or services available on or through any such websites or services.

  6. Changes. The Plan Administrator reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms at any time. If a revision is material, the Plan Administrator will try to provide at least 30 days’ notice prior to any new terms taking effect. What constitutes a material change will be determined in the Plan Administrator’s sole discretion.

Exhibit A: Membership Credit Schedule




Annual Per Horse Aggregate Limits of Liability




Annual Per Horse Fee if Paid Annually




Monthly Per Horse Fee if Not Paid Annually




Covered Illness / Injuries / Services - Membership Plan Limits per Occurrence up to Annual Per Horse Aggregate Limits of Liability

Colic - Surgical




Colic – Non-Surgical




Traumatic Injury








Upper Respiratory Infection / Pneumonia




Lacerations / Abrasions / Punctures / Wounds Requiring Sutures




Subsolar Abscess




Acute Onset Laminitis




Enteritis / Colitis




Choke / Esophageal Obstruction




Tendon or Ligament Tear / Structural Damage




Ophthalmic Injury – Non-Surgical




Ophthalmic Surgery




Barn call fees associated with an approved medical incident.




Medically Necessary Diagnostics that are part of immediate care*




* Bone Scan, MRI and CT Scan require pre-approval from Plan Sponsor. The maximum credit is forty percent (40%) of the actual reasonable and necessary scan charge up to the maximum diagnostic benefit listed in Schedule A. Credit will be applied to diagnostics directly related to new Illness, Injury or Accident. No credit will apply to diagnostics directly related to imaging of an existing Chronic Condition.

Exhibit B: Membership Routine Care Schedule

Member Routine Benefits

Core Plan

Premier Plan

Senior Plan

In-Network Veterinarian

Out-Of-Network Veterinarian*

Loyalty Points




1 pt per $1 spent; $0.02 per pt redemption

No Benefit

Digital Records




Full Benefit

Limited Benefit





Up to $100

No Benefit

Exam - Physical Exam




Up to $105

Up to $95

Vaccine - Flu/Rhino




Up to $40

Up to $37

Vaccine - EEE/WEE/WN




Up to $85

Up to $60

Vaccine - Tetanus




Up to $12

Up to $12

Vaccine - Rabies




Up to $20

Up to $15

Vaccine - Herpes




Up to $32

Up to $28

Vaccine - Strep




Up to $48

Up to $40

Test - Coggins Test




Up to $50

Up to $45

Test - Endocrine (CBC, Chemistry, Insulin and Fasting ACTH)




Up to $350

Up to $300

Test - Fecal Egg Count




Up to $35

Up to $30

Dental Float (Tranquilization)




Up to $65

Up to $50

Dental Float




Up to $186

Up to $150

Barn Call for Routine Care - Up to $50**




Up to $50

No Benefit

* Lesser of actual charge or amount set-forth above.

** Only applies to Barn Calls for Routine Care performed by Plan Sponsor.

Exhibit C: In-Network Veterinarian List In-Network Veterinarians:

  1. All veterinarians who are employed by:

    Brazos Valley Equine Hospitals, Navasota PLLC 6999 Hwy 6

    Navasota, TX 77868

    (936) 825-2197

  2. All veterinarians who offer the AcutePlus program Plans to their customers and have an executed administration agreement with the Plan Administrator that is in full force and effect.


Ben Buchanan, DVM, DACVIM, DACVECC Terrell “T-Bone” Buchanan, DVM

Ricci Karkula, DVM, MS, cVMA Weston Warnock, DVM, DACVS-LA Ted Kellerman, DVM

Kyle Grogger, DVM Meghan Murphy, DVM Sara Nerz, DVM Natalie Heite, DVM Jon Johnson, DVM

Exhibit C: Horse Ownership Schedule


Horse Name


Plan Period Plan

